
Monitors the formation of capillary-like structures by endothelial cells

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Objective, reproducible, and precise quantification of Tube Formation images is ensured by our WimTube online automated solution.

It is engineered with flexibility to adapt to images covering the whole range of microscopy imaging techniques with the aim to provide you with accurate, meaningful results.

You take the images, we do the rest.

About Tube Formation

The formation of new blood vessels is essential for the growth, development and regeneration of biological systems as well as in certain diseases like cancer, where tumors stimulate this process in order to support their growth. The study of how drug compounds can promote or inhibit it is therefore essential in the research work related to these processes.

The tube formation assay studies blood vessel development by measuring the angiogenesis stage of endothelial cell reorganization to form tube or capillary-like structures, usually using an extracellular matrix such as Matrigel® (BD) as support. The major advantage of this assay is that it offers the opportunity to monitor angiogenic behavior over time and therefore enables the estimation of time dependent effects on the neovascularization.

Results that make a difference

For every image that you upload, WimTube will generate an output CSV sheet file that will give you insight into the outcome of your experiment. Some of the measurements included are:

  • Branching points
  • Tube lengths, numbers, and statistics
  • Loop numbers, areas, and perimeters
  • Cell-covered area

Besides, a detailed control image is generated in order to help you to visualize the parameters that WimTube provides you with:

Covered Area
Branching Points

Would you like to get any other parameter? Ask for it!

Discover the benefits of using WimTube

There are many advantages of adding WimTube to your workflow:

  • It is easy to use, fast and automated. Just upload your images and get your results in seconds.
  • Just pay for your number of images, not a cent more. WimTube is a pay-per-use service.
  • Takes objective measurements with precision and accuracy.
  • Valid for all microscopy images, including unprocessed phase-contrast images with fluorescence.
  • Suits for the reproducibility paradigm: same rules to measure the same kind of experiments.
  • Check your results from your Wimasis account anytime, anywhere. All you need is an Internet connection.

How it works

Upload your files
Try the WimApp that best fits you or request a Custom Solution.
Upload your files
Download your results
In the Results section you will have access to them in a few minutes.
Download results
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