Analyse your images anywhere, anytime
Follow these simple steps to start enjoying our automated image analysis platform. It's as easy as it sounds

Upload your files
Try the WimApp that best fits you or request a Custom Solution.
Upload your files
Download your results
In the Results section you will have access to them in a few minutes.
Download results
Give us some feedback
We could tune our algorithms for you. It is free, just contact us!
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Try our WimApps. It's free!

You can test all of our WimApps for free and without compromise. All our free trials are available in the Upload Section of myWim and can be used right after the activation of the account.The trial version of the WimApps is exactly the same as the standard version of the analysis, with the aim to have you test the real image analysis service with all its features. Wimasis standard WimApps can also be custom fitted to adapt to your images if their characteristics require it.

Advices to make the most of free trials

If you have images that differ significantly for the same WimApp (e.g. phase contrast and fluorescence images of tube formation assays for WimTube), try it with a mix of images from each type to check that it covers your whole needs.Extra measurements can be added to the analysis. If you miss any data in your results that is helpful to you, do not hesitate to ask us to add.We love feedback: let us know what you think of the analysis and feel free to suggest any changes that you would like to see.

Customize your data readouts format

Before you upload your order, you can choose the format of the data readouts in the Settings Section of myWim. Go to your “Data Settings” area and select the decimal separator for your numerical data (dot/comma), the file format of your chart readouts (png/svg) or the CSV delimiter of your data readouts (comma/semicolon/tab). By checking on your data settings, you will make sure that the results of your order will be given in the format you prefer!Other parameters of your account can also be customized in the Settings Section, like your personal data or your password.

More reasons to use Wimasis

  • Wimasis is secure. It is hosted on Wimasis servers under a special security protection certified by the ISO 27001 Information Security Management Standard. The platform itself is https secured, so any transfer of information between Wimasis and you is protected by an encryption process that assures the privacy of the data transaction.
  • myWim is easy-to-use. WimApps are the online image analysis modules ready-to-use hosted in myWim. No software installation, license or image analysis knowledge is necessary to use them. There is one module per assay type and they are all completely configured to process the images automatically and output the analysis data by the simple upload of the images.
  • myWim is automated. Our modules are completely designed to work directly with your images, without user intervention. You take the images, we do the rest!
  • myWim is standardized. Wimasis modules are developed using thousands of images with different conditions to make them suitable for any possible image characteristics. WimApps standardization process is the key to provide optimum results for all image types.

Your opinion is the guideline of our work, that is why, it is so relevant that you tell us your impressions about our services.

We are looking forward to your feedback!