
Detects the number of positive cells within a transfected population

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Objective, reproducible, and precise quantification of transfection assay images is ensured by our WimTransfection online automated solution.

It generates meaningful results within minutes by detecting the whole cell population inside your assay images and the identifying the successfully transfected cells, marked with the transfection reagent, within them.

You take the images, we do the rest.

About Transfection Assay

Transfection is one of the most extended practices in the study of genetics and the development of new gene therapy paths. It is a simple, but effective method that consists in the introduction of DNA material into cells by opening spots in the cell membrane through which the nucleic acids are inserted. Transfected cells are forced to incorporate the foreign genetic material, which can result in a series of changes in cell morphology and other properties of high interest in genetics. Some of the many uses of this assay are the development of genetic treatments for cancer, AIDS and other diseases, and the research into improved vegetables, fruits and plants characteristics through the generation of transgenic specimens.

The study of transfection in cell cultures requires the production of a high number of transfected cells that need to be screened and monitored. The examination of the transfected cell population in a culture can become a tedious and time-consuming task, when performed by manual quantification. WimTransfection is specially designed to overcome this task fast and easily, providing you with objective and reliable results for as many images as you have.

WimTransfection uses as input fluorescence microscopy images with two different dyes: one dye for the whole cell population and another for the transfection reagent. Images combining phase contrast imaging plus a transfection reagent can be used as input as well. WimTransfection is created with flexibility to adapt to every kind of transfection assay, so if your images do not fulfill the conditions above, don’t hesitate to contact us and get a trial for your images.

Results that make a difference

For every image that you upload, WimTransfection will generate an output CSV sheet file that will give you insight into the outcome of your experiment. Some of the measurements included are:

  • Total number of cells in the culture
  • Number of transfected cells
  • Transfection efficiency indicator

Besides, a detailed control image is generated in order to help you to visualize the parameters that WimTransfection provides you with:

Non-transfected cell
Transfected cell

Would you like to get any other parameter? Ask for it!

Discover the benefits of using WimTransfection

There are many advantages of adding WimTransfection to your workflow:

  • It is easy to use, fast and automated. Just upload your images and get your results in seconds.
  • Just pay for your number of images, not a cent more. WimTransfection is a pay-per-use service.
  • Takes objective measurements with precision and accuracy.
  • Valid for all microscopy images, including unprocessed phase-contrast images with fluorescence.
  • Suits for the reproducibility paradigm: same rules to measure the same kind of experiments.
  • Check your results from your Wimasis account anytime, anywhere. All you need is an Internet connection.

How it works

Upload your files
Try the WimApp that best fits you or request a Custom Solution.
Download your results
In the Results section you will have access to them in a few minutes.
Give us some feedback
We could tune our algorithms for you. It is free, just contact us!

See more about WimTransfection

Here you can find some extra resources that will help you to fully understand this solution:

D.A.D. Câmara, et al.

Murine melanoma cells incomplete reprogramming using non-viral vector

Cell Proliferation
June 2017

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